I am a third year PhD student at Georgia Tech, started in August 2022.
Previously, I was an undergrad at Penn State, graduated in May 2022.
PhD advisors: Prof. Ada Gavrilovska and Prof. Kexin Rong
Follow @rajveerbach
Electronic: rr [at] gatech [dot] edu (click here)
Physical: Klaus Lab 3319, 266 Ferst Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30332
Previously, I was an undergrad at Penn State, graduated in May 2022.
PhD advisors: Prof. Ada Gavrilovska and Prof. Kexin Rong
Research interest
I am broadly interested in systems.Etc
GitHub: @rajveerbFollow @rajveerbach
Electronic: rr [at] gatech [dot] edu (click here)
Physical: Klaus Lab 3319, 266 Ferst Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30332